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  1. Diet...What Diet?

    It's been 3 months since being sleeved. I am down 50 pounds & I eat protein, vegetables, & fruit. I walk just 12 Miles a week & I am still loosing weight! I also drink wine every now & then. Haven't had one bout of hives! Life is Good!
  2. I would have never thought...

    Two and a half months & I am down from a size 20 to a size 16. Instead of the 6 meds I was on, I am down to two daily plus vitamins. Haven't had hives either! Just yesterday, I downsized my clothes one more time!
    I went to my grand babies music class last night and was able to pick them up and down, spin around and hop, hop, hop!
    Life changes are amazing!!!
  3. What's In It For ME?

    I've colored my hair, new eye glasses, operation on my feet, taking a sleep apnea test, checked on my osteoarthritis ( better), having a colonoscopy and walking again. All this is for ME.
    Since my surgery, two months, my life has changed; however, I am feeling "normal" again...if there is such a thing. The old routines are gone & the new ones are now habits. Never in my life have I spent so much time on me. My family loves my change and so do I.
    I figure if I spent ...
  4. Daily Meal Routine

    breakfast: egg white protein mix with 1/2 banana, cup of Yogart, 1/2 cup of almond milk & ice.
    Lunch: 5 - 16/20 count jumbo shrimp
    snack: tsp peanut butter on 1/2 apple or protein bar
    Dinner: chicken, vegetable, fruit
  5. How Long Will It Take To Loose The Weight...Here's the Formula...

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