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50 pounds!!!!!

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Just stepped on the scale this morning, and I have hit a major milestone... I've lost 50 pounds! I'm so proud of myself, but angry with myself at the same time... How could I have let myself get to the point where I needed to lose 50+ pounds?! I looked back at some old pictures and thought was that really me?? I never felt like I was that heavy. Has anyone else felt this way?

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  1. Marbe's Avatar
  2. Lizzie0103's Avatar
    I have a feeling that I am going to be saying the same thing when I get mine on Feb 21st like how the heck did I let myself get how big I am today and to then some. But have lost 31 on my own and went from 280 to 249 so I think that is a big step as well and will try and lose maybe 5 more right before surgery. But goodluck and be proud of where you are today.
  3. Whitney's Avatar
    Thank you
  4. Arathi's Avatar
    Congrads...... i must say u look soo pretty ..... have my surgery scgheduled this 13th just cant wait to get into looser bench
  5. Whitney's Avatar
    Thank you!!! Good luck on your surgery!
  6. Arathi's Avatar
    Whitney wanted to know if u experience any loose skin ...... am so worried abouit that ...
  7. scaredandexcited's Avatar
    Congratulations!! I love to her this, I can't wait until I hit 50lbs lost!
  8. Whitney's Avatar
    I haven't had any loose skin yet, thank God! It might be because I'm younger (I'm 23) so that probably helps!
  9. mymasterpiece's Avatar
    Ive lost 53 pounds since surgery and I have very little loose skin !! I also am a fitness instructor so that really helps as I teach at the gym everyday ! This has been the best thing I have ever done for myself !!!
  10. CharlieZee's Avatar
    Congrats on losing 50 pounds. Your doing great. I have always told myself I looked beautiful every morning. I noticed the weight but tried to refocus myself on the good person I am. But then I decided I needed to find the good skinny person hidden by the weight. I am now so excited to have my sleeve. I Now stay focused on what the future holds. I was a good person when i was heavy. Now I can do so much more for me and others because I have so much more energy to do things. I can't wait to hit my 50 pounds lost mark.
  11. Msvetrn's Avatar
    I've hit the 50 pound mark, too and it seems I've been stuck here for awhile!!! But, I'm not going to worry about it. Congrats to all of us whether its the 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 mark!! We can only go down...
  12. Arathi's Avatar
    thanks for wonderful post you all simply rock