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  1. 10 weeks post op results

    Down 37 pounds in 10 week. Blood work all good on vitamin levels . I feel good. have started solid foods but am having trouble because i don't wait long enough between bites and get full before i know it.
  2. removing the stitches..

    This is my 10 day out and its time to remove the stitches. but they ate just a bit red around the edges. is that irritated or infected? If i remove them myself...do i need bandade or surgens glue to replace the stitched places? What kibd of stuff do i use on the healing cuts and should i leave them unco vered? I need advice!!!
  3. i did it....i did it

    Whew, what a relief I'm past the surgery part. My days in mexico went fast and furious ... had a wonderful roommate named stephanne that i hope to keep track of here.
    Dr almanza was very professional and everyone one the staff was beyond helpful . I'm very thankful for the hotel staff as well...kind helpfull sweet group of people. i even felt good enough 3 days out to do some shopping and exploring the clise by areas.
    now 5 days out I'm headed home can't wait to get in my wii fitt ...
  4. what if this doesn't work?

    I am 10 days away from being sleeved. full of mixed emotions from excited...hopeful .... worried.
    today its worried...what if it doesn't work? What if i can't change these life long bad habits? i guzzle my drinks..i cut big bites..i don't chew very well..i eat mindlessly. i have been trying,these last few weeks, to change my ways but always fall back to habit. One minute i know I'm ready for this the next moment. i don't think i even deserve the chance. sigh...please i need encouragement. ...