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  1. another nsv baby

    my sister in law has this camo jacket i wear to the bus stop in the mornings its a 2x and i could only half way button it most of the winter since surgery well this morning this chick got it to zip up and fit oh ya i love being out of 4 and 5x's
  2. hair loss

    i seen my NUT today she told me i am having hair loss despite having enough protein cause by time my body takes the calories it needs i have none left for hair nails and skin that is why i am having sores under my belly to so i guess that explains alot lol at least i lost 11lbs this month instead of the only 4lbs i lost last month go me lol i may hit my goal of 250lbs. by april 27th after all if i keep losing at least 10lbs. a month i shall try and it will get me close to losing 100lbs as well it ...
  3. another nsv

    i was driving my husbands car today and i have not been able to use the seatbelt on the drivers side cause i could not move my arms where it was to tight well today it worked fine and i could move my arms freely yeah so glad the seat belts are loose on me now i have lost 47lbs in almost three months will be three months next tuesday
  4. nsv baby

    I went to walmart today and for the first time in five years i was able to buy a pair of blue jeans and they fit no more buying the just my size stretch pants for this woman oh ya its only been barely two months i cant wait to see just how far this journey takes me
  5. upping the calories worked

    so i was all depressed cause i only lost 4 pounds this month and i am almost 2 months post op just a few days off from it and i upped my calories by some of you guys advice cause i have been hitting the aerobics hard everyday and every other day i add in some weight training and i was not eating enough i lost two pounds yesterday alone so i hope the weight will now start coming off i am down to 287 a total of 54 pounds lost and 2 and half inches gone so i guess i am happy again for now lol until ...
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