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  1. 6 months later....

    So it's been awhile since I have posted but I wanted to check in and say hello to everyone and let you all know how everything has been going. I can't believe how quickly the past 6 months have flown by. The holidays were great and it was easy to stay with my eating plan and not have to worry about over eating or feeling sick from too much food. I sampled small tastes of everything that I wanted to and never felt deprived at all. At 6 months out, I am able to eat just about anything in moderation. ...
  2. 4 months post op

    Hello everyone!

    I am celebrating my 4 month post op sleeversary and thought I should add a quick post. In 4 months, I have lost 45 pounds, joined kickboxing and earned my yellow belt, and have perfect health! No high blood pressure or high cholesterol. I have had some mild hair shedding, nothing major and certainly nothing worth complaining about. I take biotin and use Nioxin shampoo and I think that may have helped. I have great energy and truly love my new life. My only regret ...
  3. 3 months out update

    Hello everyone!

    So, I am now 3 months on the sleeved side and life is going great! I had the surgery in TJ Mexico with Dr. Almanza. The surgery was smooth and easy and I had little to no pain. I went with my husband and he had the surgery the same say as I did. No complications for either of us.. except I had a suture get infected (the one that is under my breast/bra) and that required some antibiotics and cream to clear up once I got home.

    I am down 50 lbs from ...
  4. Half Way There!

    So when I started my pre-op diet, I weighed 210 lbs.. My goal is to weigh 140 lbs. This means I have a total of 70 lbs to lose. This morning, I weighed in at 175 lbs. So I have lost 35 lbs and I have 35 lbs to go. I have reached my half way goal! I may adjust my goal to 125 lbs once I hit 140 lbs, but right now I am sticking to the 140 lbs goal. It has only been 11 weeks and I know that things will slow down as I get closer to my goal, but today, today I am basking in this accomplishment. ...
  5. Non Scale Victory NSV- at 2 months out

    So, yesterday I went to see my general physician for my 2 month follow up. I had surgery in Mexico so all follow up is being done with my GP. My blood chemistries are all normal (no more high cholesterol) and things are looking great.

    He has a new nurse that I had never met before, her name is Stephanie and I wanted to kiss her. She came in to take my history and note my chart as to why I was there and when I explained to her that I had WLS 2 months ago and was there for my follow ...
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