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Hello 6 Month

  1. bestnester
    So August brings on the 6th month of our journey! I will hit 6 months on the 14th and I am still amazed at this process. Lets all check in again and see where we are at and how we can help each other!

    1. Weight Loss
    As of today I have hit 107 pounds lost. My first main goal is 170 so that leaves me with 59 pounds to go. Oddly enough that number doesn't scare me. That is 20 pounds less than I weighed when I graduated HS. Any weight loss after that will come if it needs be. 150 would get me into a healthy BMI range. So far I am still ranging from 2-5 lbs loss a week.

    2. Eating
    Food has never been an issue as far as going down. I range from 700-850 calories a day. I am getting better at tracking my food though it is hard with my very small portion amount. I am vigilant about my 1 protein shake a day as well as a protein bar ensuring that I reach a healthy protein amount. I still get shocked at how little I can eat.

    3. Exercise
    I sure love my gym trips and it has now become a routine. Consistency MATTERS you guys! You can't expect to go once or twice and see your body change. I have consistently gone 5 times a week and done at least 60 minutes. I have done classes like spinning and treadmill classes mixed in with weight lifting. Trying to really focus on these jiggly wiggly arms.

    4. Mental and Emotional
    I haven't felt this confident before. I feel motivated for myself. I love being a better Mom and wife. I wake up early and well rested from getting good sleep, make my family a healthy breakfast, and off we go on our way to different places. I fall asleep knowing I have tried my hardest. Sometimes I don't eat exactly what I know I should, but I acknowledge that and move on. I don't dwell on the scale. I weigh weekly and that's it. Sometimes I wish I could be brave enough and just weigh in monthly, but I am not there yet. I still need the scale to be my motivation. My Mom gave me some clothes and I was shocked to fit into them. I would hold them up trying not to self doubt, but knowing maybe NOW I won't fit into them, but some day. Low and behold I put them on and they fit. My body is changing. I am just doing the right things to make it successful.

    SO, how are you doing? Any advice or help we can offer??!
  2. goestogym
    I had my 6 month check-up with the surgeon on 8/1. They are very happy with my progress. Starting weight 250, current weight 188. Goal weight is 160 to be a healthy BMI but I'm not really attached to a number. Most of all, I am so happy that I went through with the procedure. Going to the gym was never a hard thing for me but seeing any results without losing weight was. From what I understand is that it is 90% eating, this procedure has set me on the right track. Also a big one is no more diabetes.
  3. goestogym
    I had my 6 month check-up with the surgeon on 8/1. They are very happy with my progress. Starting weight 250, current weight 188. Goal weight is 160 to be a healthy BMI but I'm not really attached to a number. Most of all, I am so happy that I went through with the procedure. Going to the gym was never a hard thing for me but seeing any results without losing weight was. From what I understand is that it is 90% eating, this procedure has set me on the right track. Also a big one is no more diabetes.
  4. jennysbox25
    I went for my 6 moth check up last week. I started @ 274 day of surgery and 6 months post up I was @ 192 for a total of 82 pds. The dr said he expects me to loose about 40 more, not sure if I want to loose that much more. I want to be in a 10 and right now I am in a 12/14. I am SO SO happy I made this decision.

    I haven't been hitting the gym like I should be but I need to start toning bad! I feel GREAT and can't wait to see my final results.

    How is everyone else doing??
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