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post op exercise

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I am 2 weeks post op today. I would like to start my journey of learning to enjoy exercise and incorporate it into my daily life. When will I have enough energy to begin? I am a small business owner so I had to go back to work full time this week and its been a real challenge fluids,protein and just being exhausted by the end of the day. I was thinking a gentle yoga class may be a good starting point?

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  1. Terps's Avatar
    All I could do the first month was walk. Gentle yoga sounds good too...so long as it's truly gentle. Yoga can be a real arse kicker.
  2. Sarasjourney's Avatar
    That would've been something to ask the surgeon or their assistant. Generally you're not allowed any strenuous workouts for at least 6 weeks, but it varies by doctor. As for energy, it gets better. The first two weeks I was sleepy all the time even though I got 8-9 hours of sleep a night. Halfway through the third week I perked up.

    Be careful with the yoga as you don't want to upset your incisions. Most people, like Terps said, spend the first few weeks just walking either on a track or a treadmill. You're still healing so you have to mind a lot of things for a while.
  3. shila's Avatar
    I was only able to take a nice slow walk around the neighborhood at 2 weeks out.
  4. JAG322's Avatar
    I went back to work after 2 weeks and my 3-12 hr shifts exhausted me...I want to go to the gym to walk on the treadmill but realistically I can only walk the block a couple times without feeling beat after...the biggest thing I'm learning with this whole thing is patience and listen to your body...we all didn't get big overnight we all aren't getting small that way either...
  5. newclear's Avatar
    I went back to work 5 days post op and started working out week 2. I worked out all the time pre-op, so it wasn't something completely foreign to me. Even with that, working out was brutal. I was exhausted from work of course, and would workout 20-25 mins, depending on what my energy level was 3x/week. This was limited to elliptical or 10% incline walking on a treadmill. I don't think I did anything that burned 300+ calories until 6-8 weeks out. Best recommendation is to start light, no weights outside the 10-20 lbs range (depending on your doc), and if you must work out before the 6-8 week point, do so AFTER seeking medical council. The last thing you want is a set back like a hernia...