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Three months post

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I am three months post surgery and really feeling good. I have lost 63 pounds from the pre-op liquid diet to today. That translates to 4 size changes in pants (from 24 to 16-14 depending on the brand), from a 2X top to a Large or XL, again depending on the brand. I no longer have joint pain at my hips or ankles and I easily fit into airline seats now...that was one reason why I knew I had to get my weight under control because I have to fly a lot for work and I was having a hard time staying within the confines of the small airline seats. I do miss some things but not enough to ever want to go back to being so heavy! I miss beer, I miss eating more than a handful of popcorn...but I do not miss the 63 pounds that are gone forever:-)!

Happy holidays to follow sleevers - we just keep calm and carry on.

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  1. rk cant wait's Avatar
    That's great! Keep up the good work!
  2. Texas76058's Avatar
    Congratulations!! Thanks for sharing and being an inspiration!
  3. toirelan's Avatar
  4. OOOWEEBABY!'s Avatar
    What a diffrerence three months can make! Yay for you!