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What a difference a year makes!!!

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Well, it's been a hell of a year - some good, some bad but all in all the best of my life so far and i wouldn't trade it for ANYTHING!! Since October 2011 I've had 4 steroid injections and a "nerve burn" in my low back to relieve some of my pain, i went through a 6 month insurance mandated program with the local Bariatric Center, lost my grandmother (dad's mom) and grandfather (mom's side) and had to have a very scary biopsy performed. I thought my world was crashing down on me for 3 days before i got those biopsy results but all was ok and I got my new surgery date (4 days later) for my sleeve. On May 22nd the new me woke up in the hospital and has been going strong ever since!! It's not always been easy and i've had to have a few "come to Jesus" meetings with myself but i'm 90 lbs lighter than i was one year ago, i already have so much more self confidence than i have had in years and i feel AMAZING!! Please remember that no matter what this world throws at you on your journey to be sleeved, if you stay focused on this path you can overcome it all and will be so thankful for the gift you've given yourself!!
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ID:	7212  

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  1. scgal21's Avatar
    Congrats on your one year mark! It is a journey for sure and you're so right about staying focused and we will all get there. Some days it seems like I'll never get there, but never have I been able to take off 80 lbs and keep it off. I am so thankful for this gift. I wish you continued success on your journey and pray that the next year won't have as many challenges.
  2. BCmomabear's Avatar
    You passed loving people must be looking down at you from above and bursting with pride and happiness for you. I am sorry you have had so many huge losses over the year. Thank goodness there has been your improved health and wellbeing to balance it all out. Good for you for staying focused on the positive side of things. A ((( big hug ))) being sent your way from Vancouver Island.
  3. pack89's Avatar
    You have done a tremendous job!! You persevered even when life was throwing all it could at you. You deserve a big Congrats and a (((HUG)))!