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Just rambling

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Well, my daughter had surg on tues, came home on thus. So I treated her to a movie and lunch, I have found that I have lost interest in dining out. My husband waned to go out a few weeks ago, as I looked around at the other diners,it appeared to me that it was sook much food being served, since I eat more heather now, I have a different relationship w/ food. Is anyone feeling this.

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  1. Theresa's Avatar
    yes... i am the food police now!! BUT I still go out to eat... I dont' mind being with people that can still enjoy their food. I don't eat much at all but I get sick of cooking and eating the same things at home so eating out is fun.AND i get to take the leftovers home... usually enough to feed hubby and myself another meal LOL
  2. LoveLife's Avatar
    I can't wait to be able to not enjoy going out like I used to....it has always been the "easy way out" to the dreaded question, WHATS FOR DINNER! Then we eat bad choices and too much!
  3. jazziejasmine's Avatar
    I find that going out to eat is becoming a chore because I have to try to decide what I can eat before we select a location, then when my husband wants to go to an all-you-can-eat, I have to remind him that I no longer can get my money's worth and I'm not about to argue with the manager to give me a children's price for my child-sized plate! And honestly, I'm tired of my husband telling the server my business when they ask if I want a drink and I politely say no and their surprised look on their face. Heck, if I don't want a drink who cares? So I order water to just keep the peace. I still miss eating and enjoying food but I love losing this excess weight so much more!
  4. Changing4Me's Avatar
    Yes! I went out to dinner with a good friend last night for the first time post op. Had a bit of grilled fish which tasted great! It was a huge plate of food. Then I started noticing what the waitresses were carrying out to other tables. HUGE bowl and platters of fried, fattening food. And to think, I was one of those that would eat most of those huge portions and take the rest home to finish up later. What a difference a month makes!
  5. Honey's Avatar
    My doctors office gives his patients a dining out card stating eligible for small portions at discount price due to surgery. so far it has been honored at any restaurant we've gone to!
  6. Teachmor's Avatar
    Honey that is awesome. My daughter wanted to go to Souplantation the other day when we were running around and both starving. She's vegetarian so places are often limited. I could only have broth and tried explaining to the cashier if I could just buy a cup, but no way so I paid full price for 4-6 sips of vegetable soup broth just so my daughter and I could eat.