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Stalling and gained!!! Help

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Ok so its been 3 months. I am no where near my weight lost. I am at a stall and gained 5 pounds. How I don't know. I don't eat nearly what I should. If I get 500 calories in. I'm doing good. Need help and advise. Thinking that I may go back to the liquid diet.

Any advice????

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  1. slim&proud's Avatar
    As weird as it may seem... you need to up your calories sometimes to lose weight. We automatically think because we're not losing it's because we're eating too much but that isn't the case, try upping your calories by a couple of hundred and see how that goes for you.x
  2. Karon4004's Avatar
    I agree with MastersDelight. I started eating more and started losing again. Our body gets used to such a low amount of calories and slows our metabolism down. Speed it up by taking in more calories thru the day. Eat little and often to get your body moving again. Try and see if that works for you. I probably get in about 1000 calories a day. This normally gives me a couple pound weightloss a week which im happy with now
  3. cc828's Avatar
    Thanks ladies.

    What kind of snacks do you use. Like in between meals? I need food ideas.
  4. rylynn's Avatar
    Try the 5 day pouch test
  5. mama2four's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by cc828
    Thanks ladies.

    What kind of snacks do you use. Like in between meals? I need food ideas.
    I like cottage cheese. Another is 3-4 wheatable crackers (or wheat thins or any crackers for that matter!) with a couple of deli ham or turkey slices and a few small slices of cheddar cheese. When I really am at a stall, I have a homemade cheeseburger with the bun. Of course, I can only eat about 1/3 of it, so I save the rest for another meal or two. But, the extreme protein really seems to work to jump start my weight loss again.

    I agree with the others, you probably need to increase your calories overall but try to do it with more protein. I have also heard that going back to the liquid diet can jump start you again, but if you're only getting 500 calories, you most likely need more calories since your body is in starvation mode and trying to hold on to the weight. If I have been doing the same foods for a while, I will change it up with different sources of protein and that has helped as well.

    Hang in there! I know it's frustrating, but it will pick back up!
  6. Karon4004's Avatar
    I normally have ryvita with laughing cow light cheese spread, although I have given into temptation a few times and had half a packet of crisps. I tend to drink coffee with skimmed milk too as I don't drink tea.
  7. slim&proud's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by cc828
    Thanks ladies.

    What kind of snacks do you use. Like in between meals? I need food ideas.
    I always try to snack on stuff that's good for me. My faves are, cheese on toast, roasted peanuts, rice pudding, fruit, crackers. Or if i don't want to eat anything but need to boost my cals i have a class of fruit juice.x