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Men, don't read! period question

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I think I will be on my period Monday when I go for surgery...... yikes! Did this happen to anyone else? How did it go?

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  1. mrsjoe's Avatar
    It's nothing to worry about. I got mine a few days before. All you do is tell them and they will give you some absolutely sexy stretchy granny panties and an industrial strength pad to wear during surgery. The bigger concern should be combining PMS with the pre-op diet!
  2. bjohnson's Avatar
    I'm 10 days in pre-op diet now. ... It's not too bad.
  3. HGfromOmaha's Avatar
    Don't shoot me. I read this. ;-)
  4. Little Verbena's Avatar
    LOL, "sexy stretchy panties". I hear Victoria's is going to be carrying them soon. LOLOL. but she is right, this happened to me before a surgery before and it was no biggy.

    PS. Bad HG, no no!
  5. MillCreekKim's Avatar
    I just had my pre-op and the told me to stop my BC as of yesterday which will guarantee a period in a week. I think it's common.
  6. idigfrstbase's Avatar
    Well, since you asked. I got mine the night after my surgery. I was also blessed with the paper panties that made me feel like a two year old when i was trotting down the hall of the hospital. Then, lucky me have had it two more times in 5 weeks. The hospital will supply whatever you need. Good luck..
  7. Celestial03's Avatar
    I was in the middle of my period day of surgery. It was no big deal. I told my surgeon and he let me keep my own panties on and just rolled them down in the OR. You're only in there for an hour or so.. this may be TMI but I wear tampons and kept one in during surgery because my surgeon said it was perfectly fine (and I despise pads lol).
  8. Breanne.'s Avatar
    That happened to me! I started like 3 hours before surgery. They gave me hideous undies and a pad. It was not too bad, i was worried for some reason, but it was fine, and I just brought extra supplies in my hospital bag
  9. bjohnson's Avatar
    Thanks guys!! I'm glad to hear everyone else has been through this....you know misery loves company! So come on over.