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I really want a salad so bad. It sounds so good to me! I am still on full liquid diet and i am going crazy wanting some food. I'm not hungry really but I guess this is that head hunger that everyone is talking about. Hey, at least i am craving something healthy. When can we have lettuce anyway?

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  1. SLEEVEHAPPY's Avatar
    well I started having salads about 6 weeks out my Dr said it was totaly fine, although some Dr's say wait longer. I havent had any problems with eating salad. As a matter of fact we went to Chuck e Cheeses last week and I had a small portion of salad and it was the best salad I've ever had. Well since the sleeve I guess! lol! So ya ask ur Dr. I guess! Good luck!
  2. cindylutz's Avatar
    yeah, i will. i know i cant have it yet. I still havent even had an egg. Still on full liquids. I go back to the doctor tuesday so i hope he will put me on soft foods then.
  3. bstocks32's Avatar
    Omg I have been craving a salad too!! I am able to have eggs but I am getting sick of them! The head hunger sucks
  4. cindylutz's Avatar
    yesss it does
  5. AliceVgs's Avatar
    LOL, I'm glad I'm not the only one craving a salad!
  6. sweetnsassy's Avatar
    I don't mean to encourage anyone to do something they shouldn't do yet, but I was a bit of a rebel this weekend. I'm a month out this week and I started craving salad at 2 wks. I waited until this weekend, even though I was told not to...I did it anyway. It was amazing! The mixed lettuce leaves were like an explosion in my mouth. I could taste every different type of lettuce. It was like fireworks on my tastebuds!!! Funny since I never thought lettuce had much taste before. I only ate less than half of a very small salad but it was wonderful!!!