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Hi everyone –

I did a lot of my pre-op clearance stuff yesterday. The one thing that threw me was the nut saying that I would be at the legal limit for alcohol with one drink post-op. The alcohol would enter the blood stream faster; and the BAC fall faster than before. I’m not a biology guy, but the math doesn’t add up for me. It seems that the absorption would be proportional to the size of the stomach soaking things up; and, the recovery would be related to the amount of alcohol in the blood – which has nothing to do with the stomach, but how much blood you’ve got times the BAC?

Has anyone else heard this before, that your BAC will rise faster post-sleeve? Also, are there any other substances that get absorbed faster and cause trouble? Perhaps time-release capsules or similar?


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  1. SoNotABarbie's Avatar
    Its pretty much true what they told you...being your stomach is smaller you would be getting drunker faster..talk to your doctor and nutritionist
  2. while.im.still.young's Avatar
    It's true. Even things like Benadryl might make you a little loopy after surgery.
  3. alfasig's Avatar
    I really haven't had too many drinks post sleeve, but last night was the first time I had two pretty strong drinks. And I felt it. Pre-sleeve it would normally take about 4 maker's (usually a three finger pour) to get me slightly buzzed. Was I the legal limit? I doubt it, but the reality is a smaller stomach and a smaller you - it will take less to get your BAC to the limit.
  4. kiwimor's Avatar
    I am 9 weeks post op and have been drinking to times now. I can drink exatly as much as before i had the surgery , no difference there !!

    I actually hoped that i could drink a little less because i am soooo hangovered the next day :-D
  5. lisab215's Avatar
    If my memory is correct, because of the smaller stomach, the drinks will hit faster and will take longer to filter. The liver can process about 1 oz per hour under normal conditions. After surgery, there will be less food consumed and your BMI will change. This will cause the process to slow or the absorption rate to increase. This is the same reason that someone that is 100 lbs will get drunk faster than someone that is 300 lbs. I hope this helps to explain it. I had several classes on this as a Bar Manager. :-)
  6. kaygee's Avatar
    My doc says you're a cheap drunk. Less alcohol makes you drunk.
  7. brooklyn_mom's Avatar
    I am 3 months post op and I find I cant drink as much as before. I've always been a lightweight with alcohol, but now I REALLY am. One glass of wine and I'm done, and I need to take 2 hours to finish it! Anymore or if I drink too fast and I feel wickedly hung over the next day.
  8. goldengal's Avatar
    My Doc said no alcohol for a year! I am just glad to hear I might be able to have a specialty cocktail on my Disney Cruise in November. I am not much of a drinker, but have been waiting 4 years to have a conch cooler and only Disney makes them. The best blended sweet drink ever! I am only 2 weeks out since my surgery so by November maybe my tummy can handle one.
  9. speedracer's Avatar
    Yes, I have heard this. And its quite serious. 1/2 a drink jacked me UP. It drops right into our system now. Follow Dr's orders, each one is a tad different. Its no joke
  10. moni7744's Avatar
    i get buzzed quicker, but one night i only had a few glasses of wine and I felt totally sober later on.. weird..but I have kept drinking and and got smashed before. or after a few i just don't want anymore.. each time seems to be different.
  11. kiwimor's Avatar
    what is wrong with me :-D i can drink a half bottle of strong liquor within 3 hours , and of course be drunk but not more then before ... I only drink when i go to parties (so it is not because my liver is use to much alcohol intake..

    Maybe it is because i am danish and a true viking by blood , lol :-D
  12. erik's Avatar
    i had class reunion 2weeks ago and drank enough where i was drunk when i left and paid for it the next day. was sick with bile throwing up a few times and hungover all day.. not going thru that ever again. dry heaves and all scared me to the point i thought i damaged my pouch.. thats 2 months post op
  13. LoraG's Avatar
    From my own experience...1 orange crush gets me drunk, cheap date-I know. Before...this was not the case at all.

    Wine doesn't affect me like that though....

    If you want to be safe...keep a breathalizer in the car...they sell them for around $60 or so, if you shouldn't drive yet....hang out and check again later.
  14. speedracer's Avatar
    Go back and read some of my blogs that I posted about alcohol, your nut is right. I took 3 sips of a margarita and was HAMMERED last week. Its like injecting alcohol straight into our veins, once sleeved-
  15. niamh's Avatar
    I can't drink as much as before, but I have had more than one drink. I do feel the effects faster, so i go slower or have mixers. No biggie. I honestly find that it's self-managing - I don't feel like drinking as fast/much, very similar to the food intake. All proportionatley smaller.