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Psychologist E-mails Surgeon and Surgery is canceled for next week

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I made an appointment with a Psychologist on the recommendation of my daughters Psychologist. She suggested that I see my own to resolve some of my own personal issues. I said that it would be great, I could also talk about some of the issue that may come up with eating and the surgery.

I got set up with an intern who specializes in eating behaviors. I had one appointment with him and he called me to cancel. Something came up. He then made another appointment for this Tuesday. I saw him on Tuesday for a hour. He asked me if I have ever sat down and ate a large amount of food without realizing I had done so. I told him yes, I have had those behaviors in the past, but for the past year I have not done so. He was very concerned that my surgery was next week, and felt that I should have come to see him a long time ago. He tells me that our bodies have a set point and that I may not be able to loose weight with the surgery. He wants me to read a book, "Health at every size" by Linda Bacon and go to group for binge eaters.

I asked him "You think I am a binge eater?". He said that I do not have a serve case, but I do have some issues. I tell him that those are past behaviors. He tells me he wants me to continue seeing him and he is going to send an email to my surgeon recommending that my surgeon be sure that I continue therapy with him.

I get a call today from my Surgeons office and my Surgery has been canceled. Because of the e-mail the Psychologist sent he wants me to see his Psychologist again. So now I have an apoinment with the psychologist with my Sergeon's office and a psychologist appointment with the mental health department and no surgery date.

What a let down. Working on loosing weight, quite smooking, walk 4 miles a day and have been doing this for the past year and finaly get a surgery date. The day I have been waiting for.

Oh well, I can wait another year if needed. And maybe God does not want me to have this surgery. Who knows.

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  1. LisaNunu's Avatar
    That is really tough! You are being much more calm than I think I would be.
    Hang in there - I have added you to my prayers - you are right of course - if God wants you to have this surgery things will come back to gether - if not - then they won't. Either way it is going to be good. I am already impressed yo have lost weight, started excercising and quit smoking... that is really huge!
  2. NellieFL's Avatar
    I agree with Lisa - you are much more calm than I think I would be....and that's a good thing! The last thing you need to do is get depressed! Stay positive and focused - this can only help you in the long run!
  3. niamh's Avatar
    I've not seen or heard any evidence about a set point preventing effective weight loss with surgery. Interestingly, one of the less positive responses I got from friends was a psychologist who works in eating disorders (I'm also a clinical psychologist in mental health). I think sometimes psychologists can be so focussed on believing psychological interventions are the way to go, that they can ignore or misunderstand the physiological interventions. I'm not saying that's the case with this guy - but if I were in your situation I would stand up strongly for my decision based on all the information I had received, and get a second opinion. Hopefully your surgeon's psychologist may be able to provide a different perspective.
  4. wannabhealthy50's Avatar
    Oh I agree with the above posters! I'd be pissed off, to say the least. You sound like you've made some great changes in your life! I'd fight this one!
  5. RoxFC's Avatar
    wow..that's tough! stay positive. It will happen even if you have jump through a few more hoops. I still don't have my surgery date yet. Even though it's not the same case as yours, I was assured by my surgeon that I would be able to have surgery in mid June. I did my 6 month diet, tests, etc. etc. I was done with everything by the first week in May..Due to unforeseen circumstances, I have been unable to see the doctor for my pre-surgery appointment to set a surgery date until the end of this month. It looks like I won't be sleeved until mid July. Hang in there! Things happen that throw a wrench into our gears...but, if you are persistent, you will get to where you want to be. It may be God's will that you have to wait just a little longer...everything happens for a reason. On that note, still keep on fighting for what you want!
  6. MomMaestra's Avatar
    I agree. It sounds like this guy thinks he can "save" you. He is not a physician. He is recalling (probably) a paragraph he read in college about weight loss. You have changed your behavior on your own and I would guess you have been through some stress in the past year. If you have and not binged during it (them) then you have truly changed your behavior. Not to say you will never have a setback but you most likely have succeeded through many of your eating triggers in the past year. One more thought. Have you ever heard of "required" or "suggested billable hours". He has to make money too.
  7. lornadoone629's Avatar
    Um......MOST of us have sat down and ate too much food without realizing it. I mean.....Lay's commercial says it all "You can't eat just one". I've realized that many a time when I've eaten aimlessly and found my hand in the bottom of the bag. Granted, it's not a regular occurance, but to deny your surgery because you overate? Something doesn't sound right if that's the ONLY reason for him to do that. best of luck and hope you get a new date soon.
  8. Breen's Avatar
    That is so unfortunate he felt that way. I'm glad too see you keep so positive, that will help with any stress eating. Keep your mind on the goal of health with or without the surgery! You can do it. Best of luck to you.
  9. Bruiser's Avatar
    An INTERN??!!! A freaking intern did this to you?? I'm like the others posted above, I wouldn't be as calm as you or take this sitting down. How can this jerk make an assessment of you after one hour long visit??? I hope he goes into another profession like a crash test dummy!

    I wish you all the best in getting this issue resolved and taking the next step towards your goals. Even if that means not having the surgery, I believe you will continue to succeed!
  10. MomMaestra's Avatar
    Crash test dummy. Lol
  11. Lucy61's Avatar
    You need to see a Psych that works w/WLS patients, seriously the others don't understand, it is out of their normal patients they treat. PS - I would have been livid that he took those liberties w/out more consultation with you, those were huge assumptions that he made and "generalized" you. We all know what happens when people ASSUME and an intern has no business making that kind of call. I'd report him to his MD that is overseeing his cases.
  12. pack89's Avatar
    I would say that he has some nerve to "intervene" on your behalf and screw this up for you, especially without consulting you first. It sounds like he thinks he can "fix" you like he's some genius that can just wave a magic wand. I would be pissed to say the least. In just 1 hour he thinks he's got it all figured out, an intern, yeah, OK. I hope you get it all worked out and you get your surgery soon.
  13. teresaloves2trvl's Avatar
    I too would have been LIVID! It sounds like he either thinks he already knows everything or else he is just trying to get more money out of you. That "set point" stuff is crap as far as the sleeve is concerned. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Get another opinion with the psychologist your surgeon uses.
  14. kaygee's Avatar
    Of dourse this intern can save you. If he couldn't, then he wouldn't be able to make $$ off of you.
  15. speedracer's Avatar
    I would be making some phone calls, and follow ups-
  16. dyiana's Avatar
    WOW......thank you all so much for the support!!

    My appointment with my Surgeon's psychologist is next Friday. I will get an update next week.

    Again, thank you. It was assuring to hear your comments matched what I was thinking and feeling.
  17. lookitsabird's Avatar
    He doesn't have a clue!!!!You are the expert when it comes to your own body and weight loss. I think he could be one of those people who are against WLS, for anybody. Not his decision.