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Conversation Between aboutime4me and nyc

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2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi there. Thanks for your message. I'm glad you've made the decision to have surgery. Now, mentally my advice would be to think about it and worry for 1 minute each day and then let it go. Yep, just let it go. I know now, being on the other side of the sleeve for so long, that even though there are possible complications, as with ANY surgery... it sounds more ominous than it really is. The overwhelming majority of people who have the sleeve surgery never have any complications whatsoever. For me, I daresay it has been pretty smooth sailing and easy, physically. The part that is more challenging is the mental and the change in relationship with all things "food."
    That is with us always, but again, for me, with the removal of the hunger hormone grehlin with the stomach part that was removed, I haven't experienced any real hunger since the day of surgery. Now I have to keep my sweet tooth in check, as always, but it's not any where near the issue it used to be. I eat everything I want, in much less quantities.
    In the end, our imagined fears are always far greater than reality. Take it one day at a time and try to enjoy the process. Keep me posted and know we're all here if you have any questions or need support.
  2. Hi - i am new to all this, and have a surgery scheduled in the next 2 weeks. I am so happy that I finally decided to do it, and have many friends and parents who are supportive. My issues seem to mainly be mental - I am scared about things going wrong, and will I have the willpower to stay on point. Any words or suggestions, would be greatly appreciated!!
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