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Conversation Between alfonso1027 and GoofySpice

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8 Visitor Messages

  1. Hey you have a new pic. Featuring a different child now How goes everything?
  2. Hey! Sorry it took so long to get back with you. Yeah, I definitely understand those hurdles. You definitely start to realize things you may have taken for granted before the surgery. At least for me, I didn't appreciate being able to guzzle water. Now with the summer heat, I wish more than ever that I could do that again. I completely understand those pain in the butt plateaus. I've had about 3 since my surgery. I just got out of a 3 week one as a matter of fact...didn't loose a pound for 3 weeks! Crazy! But I think I've come a long way in 3 months. I'm not as depressed as I was. I've found new things to do regarding exercise, so that definitely helped get some more weight off, which helped my mood. I also have been able to buy new clothes (and underwear!) which is a perk! I just keep hearing what my nutritionist said, "If you don't get it off in the 1st year, its not going to come off!" So with that in the back of my mind, I get my lazy behind up and do something about it! Lots of luck and please keep me posted!
  3. I am doing a lot BETTER. Within the last 3 weeks I finally starting to drink normally and expanded my variety of food. Not sure if you knew or not but I had a speed bump in my recovery. Nothing major as it turns out but as you know little things just after surgery are a big hurdle. It set me back by two weeks but now is a distant memory... thank goodness. I have hit a plateau for the past few weeks but I am not letting it get me down. I lost so much the first month that my body needed to get used to things.Today is marks my 2 month surgery date.
    So how are you? I know you have been having a rough time of it? Have things gotten better... feeling more normal and less regretful?
  4. How are you feeling?
  5. Ah thanks for thinking of me... just got home an hour ago. total of 3 nights in the hospital. I am a bit nervous not having the IV for fluids. Also never thought I would welcome toots/farts like I have been and terrified of hiccups and burps. I feel pretty good right now 100% better than Tuesday-for sure. Switching pain meds to the lower tab and adding anti nausea meds was the key for me Tuesday nite.
  6. How did your procedure go?
  7. ah thanks for the compliment... sometimes I think wow they might not get the sarcasm or think I have a rotten bed side manner. I like your pic. Nice mother daughter moment
  8. I love reading your posts!
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