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Conversation Between Milly2shoes and terrora

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5 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Terrie. How are you going? Xx
  2. Hi Milly
    Try extremes..hot broth or ice cold drinks. I couldn't drink room temperature. Good for you for the weight loss!
    It will take our stomach time to heal. Yes I am having major head hunger too. The only difference is that if I eat I will
    get deathly ill.So it is easier to ignore than normal.
    Keep in touch
  3. Hello oo...how r you going?? I am feeling ok. Much better each day but up and down. Can't get much in and feel a bit light headed and stomach still tender....guess this is normal for 5 days post op!! I have already lost so much weight, I was shocked. I have never ever lost weight fast, no matter what! I'm at the point where I just want to feel normal again though and finding the head hunger interesting. Anyway I hope your ok. Xxx
  4. Hi
    What is your BMI? I know what you mean, it seems barbaric...having a good chunk of the stomach cut out. I know that if I ever got enough motivation again I could lose the 55 or so pounds I want to lose. But I also know that as soon as I would hit my goal it would come right back on. THAT is what keeps me from being motivated to diet,,the thought is exhausting as well as the disappointment. I am looking for a long term solution, that will help me forever. Regain with diets is 95% , with the sleeve it is 20%. I think us slimmer (ha ha) people on here have a better shot at keeping it off. I have exercised and kept fit all my life. It is only since May when I got so big I just gave up on running. I am also an avid skier. So I am hoping I will not regain and I am going to be determined. I have always said that before so I say this with doubt,,but once I get going I will probably be more sure.
    YOu are so fortunate to get the surgery paid for! Do you have a date set?
    I know what you mean about mind playing tricks. I FEEL ok,,then I see a mirror!! Ugh!
    Anyways keep in touch
  5. Hi, just noticed ur lower bmi like me and my surgery is on 23rd sept but in sydney Australia. I almost feel guilty at times for resorting to surgery. Leading up to surgery this week I keep looking in the mirror thinking I look ok and then I'll see myself in a mirror at the shops and realise I'm bigger than I think....it's been doing my head in! We are lucky in Australia that our health imsurance covers surgery if the surgeon agrees to it....if it wasn't this way I'd prob be heading to Mexico too....anyway just wanted to say hi and good luck.
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