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Conversation Between blessedahf and aclabombard13

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2 Visitor Messages

  1. Okay, good to know Yes I need to get on the ball with some toning especially with summer coming. I know if I could just do some toning it'd probably tighten up a lot.
  2. Hi, Thanks for your kind words There is certainly plenty of flab being hidden beneath that dress! LOL - I had really nice legs before I put on my weight I noticed some pretty disheartening drooping skin on the inside of my thighs as the weight was coming off. I HATE it!!! It has been my main mission to target that area for maximum improvement. I do lots of squats and lunges and leg machine exercises plus my insanity workouts. It has helped a lot, although it's still not anywhere near where I'd like it to be. Kind of the same story with my arms and stomach. I was surprised I was able to wear that dress fairly comfortably on New Years Eve (I even took my sweater off to dance!). You look amazing!!!! It's all about the toning exercises from this point on and maybe a plastic surgery consult in a year or two if things don't go where I want them to. Just wanted to let you know how things are. Thanks again
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