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Conversation Between Kelli D and Namaste

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  1. Aww, thanks Kelli. Feeling really good, haven't lost any weight in a month, but I'm snacking more. I'm slowly getting back on track. Hugs, Roberta
  2. I absolutely love your new photo!! You are looking terrific woman!!
  3. Hey there Roberta!!

    I hope you had a wonderful holiday season!! My family came over and we had a wonderful time doing the traditional holiday festivities. I'm glad to hear that your eyesight is doing so good!! I would love to have that surgery at some point. I have hit the 7 month mark now and the weight loss has definitely slowed down now. I have lost 1 pound in the last 2 weeks and I guess from what everyone tells me that can be typical. So as long as I keep going down I will be happy with it. I have lost 82 pounds all together now and I will probably need another year to get the last 52 off. I am going to hit the gym more faithfully so hopefully that will help. Truly the only thing I wish I had done was having done it earlier in my life. Oh well all I God's time. I need to get down there and see Dr. Shillingford soon............I have been lazy and putting it off. I need to do my blood work still!! I didn't really lose much hair and I am thankful for that. I went to Trader Joe's for the first time a little while back and want to go again. I drove to Gainsville! That is the closest one to me. Don't let the slow loss get you down it is going to keep coming off we just have to be diligent and keep our eyes on the prize! Tell your husband I said "Hello" and I hope all is well!

    Talk to you soon,

  4. Hi Kelli:
    How are you? Happy New Year. It's been a busy time for us. First went home to Chicago for Thanksgiving. Came back around the 16th of Dec. Had my cataract surgery on my left eye. Then, had several follow up appts with the eye surgeon. On 12/30 had my right eye done. Same thing - 3 post op visits to the Doc. Everything is really good. Eyes are still healing but I have excellent distance vision. I can see close, but not close enough to read. Waiting for the eyes to calm down, then will probably need reading glasses, time will tell. I'm struggling a bit with the food & evening snacks. Haven't gained any weight, but haven't lost anything either in 4 weeks. How's it going for you? Hope you're doing well. Hugs, Roberta
  5. Hi Kelli:
    Love the picture, you look beautiful!!! Love, Roberta
  6. Hi Kelli:
    Glad to hear you're doing good. I will stay outta Publix & Whole Foods 30.5 lbs WOW, that's awesome Kel. Sounds good to go to Disney. I don't really exercise yet other than going to the pool. I need both knees replaced, so the walking is out for me right now. I do have a couple of small weights that I'm going to start using for my arms...so much flesh on them. Also, my boobs are down to my waist & I'm sure I'll have gobs of stomach hanging over...but I'll figure that out later. I go to Dr. S in August & I am going to attend the support group - I'll pass along any info I get. Have a happy weekend & great job on the weight loss.
  7. Hi Kelli:
    How are you doing? My hubby & I have a joke...we went to Walmart to buy a case of s/f jello & they were sold out. My husband said, "Kelli got it first". Then we went to Walgreens to pick up a script for that stuff that Dr. S gives to avoid gall stones. The clerk said, "wow, that's a coincidence, someone just picked up the same exact prescription as yours." Once again, Klaus said, "Kelli". We don't know where you live but I told Klaus how nice you are & that you're a sleeve buddy, so now when we're out getting healthy things, if the store is out, we always say, "yep, Kelli." Hope you're doing well. Hugs, Roberta
  8. Your new picture looks great!!!! Someone is losing weight!!!
  9. Hi Kelli:
    I had my first post-op visit yesterday. Dr. Shillingford is awesome. I really appreciate his kindness & how he actually takes time with us. I am so blessed I found him. Everything checked out ok & it is good to get the stitches out. Dr. Shillingford's team is outstanding. They're so caring & committed that I felt total confidence going into surgery. That feeling is priceless. He also prescribed a med for me to help prevent gallstones. Did you get the same? Yes, I can move on to puree/soft foods, but one food at a time. Last night we stopped at the store for a rotisserie chicken. I had 3 oz of white meat. Chewed, chewed, chewed, but all went down ok. Waiting for 45 min before I had anything to drink. So, it's all spot on. How are you doing? Stay well Kelli & talk with you soon. Hugs, Roberta
  10. I had the best post op visit with him! He spent an entire hour with me answering any and all questions I had. You should be able to move on with your foods. He was not conservative with me. When I was in the hospital he told me to move on to puree pretty quickly. Things are going really good. I have lost another 4 pounds since Friday so I am happy with that. Praying I don't hit a 3 week stall! Let me know how your visit went!!
  11. Hi Kelli:
    How are you doing? I'm seeing Dr. S on Wednesday & hoping he'll move me to the pureed diet. I'm doing pretty well although I am getting sick of the soup as my only "meal". Getting enough liquids in, getting the protein in, but not keeping up with the calories. I'm thinking we should be at about 600-800. I think I read somewhere about this - but unsure. Hope all is well with you Kelli. Take care. Roberta
  12. Hi Kelli:
    How are you doing? I'm doing well. Yesterday, I had my first shower - it was so wonderful. Need to ask something gross...one of my incisions seems to be a bit "damp". I have some drainage on my pajama tops each morning...nothing big, but the other incisions are dry. Other than to change the gauze on the drainage hole, they gave me no specific instructions for the other incisions. How about you? Are you doing anything special for your incisions? Other than that, haven't lost any weight, getting only 32 to 40 oz of liquid in. Started mixing Unjury unflavored protein with broth & a power drink. It's not too bad, but it has a definite taste to it. Let me hear how you're doing. I go to see Dr. S early next week for a 10 day check up.
    I hope you're doing well & thinking of you. Hugs, Roberta PS My hubby has been awesome through this whole process. Since we relocated from Chicago 2 years ago, we have no relatives in Fl. That was hard, but my family does call & we have some great talks. Hope you have a support system in place, it really helps. Take care.
  13. So glad you are in the land of the living!! Yeah, the beds could have been more comfortable and I am surprised they didn't have a handicapped toilet in a hospital of all places!! I was so knocked out and incoherent it wasn't even funny, plus I had an enormous headache from the painkiller they gave me. The liquid stuff was just vile!! I am doing pretty good. I have been trying to stay active but my energy level will run out quickly if I don't pace myself. Each day is better though and I am very happy to have done this. Hope you heal quickly and keep me posted!!
  14. Hi Kelli:
    I don't know either how people can post right after surgery. I was really out of it. My husband brought my pad with, but there was no way. Everything went well. I am hurting & found those beds to be the worst. Hard to maneuver & change positions. I'm home now & Dr. S. wants to see me in 10 days. Thankfully, I didn't get sick after the surgery, but Thurs & Fri I couldn't keep my eyes open. Going to the washroom was no fun as the hospital didn't have handicapped toilets, so it was like sitting on the ground. The staff was wonderful & I'm looking forward to feeling better each day. Let me know how you're doing. Hugs. Roberta
  15. Just checking on you to see if you are okay. I honestly don't know how people were able to post right away after surgery. I tried a million times and succeed once and then I think it was on someone else's thread!! All the times I tried I would fall asleep in mid sentence or I couldn't focus on the screen. Anyway I hope all is well!!
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