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Conversation Between tmclenn and BCmomabear

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3 Visitor Messages

  1. I found the protein shalkes gave me diarrhea any time in the first month. Greek yogurt and cottage cheese worked for me. Sorry about your rash. That has to be a crazy maker. TAke care!!
  2. Hi Trish, better every day. One of my sites opened so I'm off to the pharmacy to get some tegaderm so it heals from the inside out, using polysporin too. I can't remember if I told you I had a reaction to the pre-op scrub, red blisters from boobs to belly button! Prednisone and betamethasone cream is helping. Other than that its just sip sip sip, I added greek yogurt and that held ok, might try some well chewed cottage cheese next week. but right now my primary source of protien is the 2 shakes each day, they give me 60gm protein which helps.
    I'm really happy to see your results! I'm thinking wow that can be me by New Years, I will have not been in the ***'s since my early 20's!!
  3. How are you doing Teri?
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