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Conversation Between DollHouseKiera and Jas

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14 Visitor Messages

  1. Wishing you a speedy and uneventful recovery!!
  2. Thank you
  3. Best of luck for you tomorrow!! Hang in there!!
  4. I really hope you strike it lucky and hit some good news xx I've survived on opti okay actually although being day 15 today I'm over it that's for sure. But tomorrow is surgery so that's okay I hope you can continue to bake and enjoy it xx
  5. Nothing really new here, still working with paralyzed intestines. Going back to the doc on July 11th. I'm baking here and there with my son's help, trying to raise a little extra money since I'e been on work disability since may 2011. Hopefully, I'll find something out on the 11th... Good luck with your Optifast. I hated it, but suffered through two weeks! Keep me posted, I'm sure you'll do fine!
  6. Heya ! Day 10 of Opti only 5 more to go ! What are you doing over there to keep yourself busy, are you baking again ? Have you had any break throughs with your health ?
  7. ...just stopping by to say hi =D
  8. I'm so sorry to hear that I guess I had hoped it had been a while and things might have changed I guess the upside is that it's not worse xx I hope they find something that works for you, you've been through so much already. It looks like I will be going in first week of July, I will find out Wednesday for sure would be nice to get that part out of the way. But it's all one big life long journey hey
  9. Hey there. not much has changed for me. Still trying our medications to fix the gastroparesis. My "stomach" and what's left of my small intestines are still paralyzed. Not doing better, but not really doing any worse. How have you been?
  10. Hey love it's been a while just popping in to see how you are going and if your health has improved xx I hope so
  11. Thankies =) I'm trying to stay positive and fight through all this... it's either I stay strong, or I curl up in a little crying ball... not much of a hard choice there most days =) I figure if one person learns something from my trials, then they were worth it... everyone here is going through some rough roads, just at different levels. Thanks for the positive feedback. Keep me posted, I dont have any portraits, so I'd love to know how your ink holds up =) Good luck to you!!
  12. I have spent the morning reading through your blog I had no idea, what you have had to got through ! And here you are on the other side still fighting, I guess pictures don't tell the whole story and there are so many more layers. I hope you are on the mend and I hope you can get back to work soon. I'm so sorry your journey has been so rough
  13. Thanks its something I have been worried about, I have a major piece that encorporates the face of one of my fav musicians and would hate for it to all of a sudden not look like him !! You've done so well and look fantastic, you give me a lot of inspiration
  14. Hiya, thanks for the comment on my pic. Actually, most of my tattoos have changed a little... some more than others, but none have distorted enough for anyone else to really notice... I can see a difference in my sleeve, especially my forearm... but most of the changes have just been slight shifts. Nothing to really worry about =)
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