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Conversation Between A_New_Meek and NiniCakes

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  1. How are you?
  2. Oh my I'm just seeing this love
    I hope everything went great with your surgery I'm never on here you text me so we can keep in contact and if you need to just talk and ask questions 9519610785 *tamika
    ������ hope your healing well
  3. Hey Lady! How've you been doing? Happy New Year! lol I've been offline for a minute but am back on the boards getting prepared for the surgery on Sat Feb 22nd. I hope that all is well with you! are you still loving the sleeve?
  4. really? wowsers! I hope i'm not that nervous lol I just want it to hurry up and happen so I don't change my mind lol I was also reading that they give some people and epidural, did you have one? I don't see why one would be necessary unless they plan on having you awake for the procedure. Thanks for the prayers girlie, I need and appreciate them! wow, that is awesome! I can't even picture myself being 85 lbs lighter, sheesh! yeah they are hard to drop but not impossible! and looking at how far you've came will motivate you to push on to the goal line. lol no worries about the typos, I always curse out my iphone with the auto correct smh like I don't know what the heck i'm typing, I'm grown Siri! rolls eyes lol
  5. Yea I felt the same way, excited scared happy nervous all at the same dang time when I tell u I was nervous until the last mili second I am not lying they had to trick me when they gave me the gas just so I could relax. BUT I would do it all over again because I have never felt this good or this confident in my life. You will be fine and I will say prayers for you haha I stalked this page my last two weeks before surgery I would fall asleep on this website but it helped a lot so do what u gotta do girl lol
    I'm good yes still disappearing so far I'm down 85 I think. I still have 43 pounds to my goal I know I'm going to have to work for it though the last pounds are always the hardest smh (excuse my typos if any I'm on my phone today lol )
  6. I feel you! I've been MIA as well but come November I will be stalking this site in preparation for Dec. 30th! lol I'm excited, scared, nervous, and i keep second guessing myself like "nah you dont wanna cut off your stomach, you don't need to do that" but i have to keep reminding myself that if i could have done it without it, i would have done it already! so i guess i'm scared of the unknown and reading everyone's posts about regretting it immediately after having the sleeve don't help! lol but I'm gonna stick to my guns and go for it when december comes. how've you been doing, still disappearing? lol
  7. hey girl, i havent been on here either! been so busy but yay youre almost there, how are you feeling are you excited!
  8. Hey Lady! haven't been on here in a minute, just checking in with you, how's everything going? I'm eagerly awaiting my surgery which will happen on December 30th because that's when I have time off to do it. I hope that all is well!
  9. Yay! sounds like you are almost there, i know you are way past excited.. you will never regret this decision.. every day i wake up thinking i am so happy i did because it definitely changed my life
  10. and it looks great on you! lol i've always sported a red, pink, or orange pout, those are my staples, i dont like to deviate! lol the dr's appointment went well, my pcp is supportive and said he's had some patients undergo wls with great results so he wrote the letter while i was sitting there and I walked out with it, didn't even have to wait a day! the gi dr appt turned out to be a pre-appt. They took my vitals, blood, and gave me an ekg just to be able to schedule me for the endoscopy. so now I have my endoscopy scheduled for Sept 10th and that is the last pre-op req i have to complete, amen to that!
  11. Thanks! yes i love this rubywoo i cant stop wearing it!! its crazy because ive had this lipstick for 5 years and im just now feeling confident enough to wear it, so im rockin the hell out of it lol. how did your appt go? did they write your letter?
  12. thanks girl I appreciate it! I'm loving the new profile pic, I'm a sucker for a red pout, i'm currently rocking MAC riri woo! and look how defined your face is! #simplygorg! i go to my pcp next week to get him to write the rec letter and to the GI dr friday august 23rd so I will have fulfilled all the requirements by the end of the month to try and get an approval out of Cigna. I'll let you know how it goes!
  13. I will definitely be praying for you! keep me updated
  14. lol no worries! i understand everything you were saying though! my last nut visit was last week and she told me they recommend at least 2 weeks off to rest up. So if thats the case, i'm off the week of Christmas and New Years which is 2 weeks, I'd hate to prolong it and to have it done around the holidays but that would be the most convenient for me. So now I have to go to the GI dr to get the endoscopy and i have to meet with my regular pcp so that he can type up a letter of recommendation for me. I hope Cigna approves me, fingers crossed!
  15. Lol well
    That paragraph was a Bunch of crap excuse my typos lol
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