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Conversation Between txbluebonnet and yourstrulycate

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16 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey Shasta! Things are going good! How about you? You need to update your pictures!
  2. Hey girl. Look at you go! How's things?
  3. I want to start puréed food next week, but my doc recommends full liquids for weeks 2 AND 3 :-/ I will probably do mostly liquid and experiment with puréed food for dinner. I'm down 8-9lbs since surgery...15lbs all together since preop. I'm walking 1-2 miles every evening and consuming 2 shakes, a 5oz bowl of soup (I add protein) and aout 32oz of water a day.
  4. Hey girl, how are things going. I woke up with much more energy this morning and a lot less soreness at my incisions plus down 13lbs since surgery day! I still can't believe it when I get on the scale in the morning. When do start on puréed foods? I'm excited to get to them next week but in reality I'm to sure how much I'm going to be able to get down since I have a hard time with protein shakes and things like apple sauce, or baby food.
  5. Oh I'm definitely mourning the loss of food. I've cried a couple of times when my fiance has eaten dinner. I'm doing good. Trying to stay on top of my fluid intake...I'm getting in about 40 oz per day, which I think is good. I'm "eating" thin soups, protein shakes, sugar free jello, popsicles, and crystal light/water. I can't wait to move on to the pureed stage, I just want some eggs, refried beans, or mashed cauliflower. Anything with flavor, really! LOL.
  6. Hey cate, things are moving along pretty well. Getting pretty much everything down okay few things not so much and everything in tiny amounts that take forever to get down. As for energy I'm lacking, you? I'm in that grieving the loss of food stage. All I can think about is things I won't be able to have for some time. How are things with you?
  7. Hey Shasta! How's everything going? How are you eating/drinking? Energy levels?
  8. Hey sweetie. I am officially your "sleeved" buddy now! . Surgery went fine they said but it lasted 2 1/2 hs. I woke up very sick , pouring sweat, and in so much pain I was begging for help. Once they got the pain meds in me it was much better. I did get extremely nauseous the first three times I teed to walk but kept it together and didn't vomit, yay! Now I'm walking like a pro and finally peed so I'm happy about that. Well bad to sleep for me. We just came and push more pain med in my IV. Hope you continue to do great and will chat with ya later.
  9. Hi Shasta! Surgery went great. I'm not in any pain, no nausea, anything. I hope you are having as good of a time as I am!!!
  10. Well, I'm laying here in bed trying to go to sleep but it's not happening. I fly out of San Antonio tomorrow. We live a ways from there so we have to get up at 3am . I have no clue about what time my surgery will be but I'm hoping for the am so I won't have to wait around getting even more nervous. Best of luck to you too! Hope everything goes great for your surgery and recovery. Let me know how things are when you can, and I'll do the same.
  11. Omg! Can you believe the day after tomorrow we will be sleeved??? I'm at the airport in Dallas getting ready to fly to San Antonio right now! When do you leave? Do you know what time your surgery is scheduled for? I have no idea yet! Okay, sleeve sister- best of luck to you! Praying for a smooth surgery and speedy recovery! -cate
  12. I have been prepping! So I gave up caffeine, bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, and sweets. Yikes. It's tough but I'm sticking to it. Just can't trust my self to much around them. They are my trigger foods for over eating. I got my vitamins, protein mix, gas x, and baby utensils. I have been working on not eating and drinking together but for me that has been harder than giving up the crappy carbs. I have to not have a drink in front of me while eating because I will instinctively drink without thinking. Grrrr.
  13. Omigosh...I want May 20th to get here sooooooonn! I am sooooo ready!!! How are you doing??? Doing any preparations?
  14. How are things going? It's getting closer to our big day! Nerves?
  15. Thank you. It's nice to know some one that will be taking the journey along with me at the same time. Best of luck to you and please keep in touch.
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