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Conversation Between ann1967 and Erina

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1 Visitor Messages

  1. Hello Ann, I just had my surgery last weekend on the 6th. I was wondering how you are doing and how the Fybro is reacting to having had surgery? I am so glad to be back home, but I am very sore. I just keep praying that my body will continue to heal up. What I am doing, that I didn't expect, is that I am hungry. I think it is because I can hardly eat anything with any nutritional value. When I do eat a little broth, sip sip, or drink something I get full so fast that I don't feel like my body is getting anything healthy. I have been having a little headaches, but Melissa said it is normal after surgery from all the meds. Also feel dizzy off and on probably also cause of food etc. technically haven't eaten anything in almost a week and a half. Anyway just checking on you and your symptoms, let me know.
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