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  1. So finally after YEARS! I made myself post a picture of me...

    Yah. I hate cameras as much as I feel they hate me and as my weight went up I avoided them like the plague...actually I would of ran into a plague to avoid a camera...on my weight loss journey I did take personal ones of myself as I went along so I could see the changes, sometimes it is hard to see them. ANYWAYS, I have always felt like I take rotten horrible pictures but I am trying to get out of that negative thinking (bad habit) so I forced myself to post my first actual picture in well over ...
  2. Just some updates..

    Lets see, first lets start out with....I finally hit Onederland!! Just a few pounds under but it is what it is and I'll take it! I was finally able to change my pants size to the next ones down. I can now fit into my size 16 JEANS, yep jeans. not stretchys, YAY? Weight loss is still on the kind of slower side and although I am not real thrilled with that I am happy I am losing none the less, I am hoping I hit my half way mark by October (which will be my 6 month check up) but I am not hopeful as ...
  3. OH NO! Hair Loss, it starts..

    Yep, I am a sad panda as I have to admit to myself that I am starting to lose my poor beloved hair. Naturally I have long thick hair and it was the only thing about me I liked. Now, it is coming out in clumps..even worse when I am showering..makes me wanna weep. The only saving grace it me hoping this is temporary....I hope!
    I have been taking Biotin for 2/3 months now everyday so I can't say if it is actually helping, but if it is I would hate to see what my hair loss would be without it. ...
  4. Yummy Stuffed Chicken

    So tonight for dinner I made a very yummy stuffed chicken breast. Sorry there are no pictures I didn't think of it in time before it was gone, gone, gone..

    I don't measure, so I will give you all the jist of it in case your interested. I took 2 chicken breasts (because I feed just me and my hubby and he eats one whole one and the other half of the one I can't eat) and I pound these out until they are about 1/4 inch thick and put them on a baking tray lined with foil that has been ...
  5. Dang pant sizes, makes me want to bang my head against a wall..

    You know, I really hate being butt heavy. With all the weight I've lost one would think I would of at least dropped a pants size or two, but no..because of my big butt I am stuck in my pre-op sized pants (stretchy jeans, 18) - I keep trying on my size 16's (normal jeans, not stretchy) and I can pull them up, they fit a bit tight but I can't button or zip them up. So, I end up going right back to my 18's, and they are just so loose around the hip area, the only reason they even stay up is because ...
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