I am teenager, and I have been overweight for my entire life. I have had an extremely difficult time ever losing a substantial amount of weight. One day My parents and I were having a very lengthy and extensive discussion about my weight, and the bariatric sleeve surgery came up.My mom thought it would be an amazing idea as well as a great solution for my prolonged obesity, however, my dad was skeptical about it. Due to lots of convincing, and considerations for my weight we all agreed on the fact that it was our best option, and we went through with the beginning the process for the surgery. I am currently of my fourth month of weigh ins, and two weeks ago I had my consultation with my potential surgeon. However, she was really arrogant person and rude person, with no bedside manner. Anyways, she informed us the 25% of the people that have the surgery gain the weight back, this information frightened my father greatly. He is now convincing my mother and I that the sleeve should not be a solution for my ongoing weight gain battle. My father is also startled with the thought that there is only have 10 years of research and studies, he is also scared about the potential risks and that people may have the ability to develop cancer and other stomach diseases in the future, and that the surgery is irreversible. Personally, I am totally for the surgery and if it were up to me I would have had it done a while ago. However, I am a minor and I need my parents permission. If Anyone who had the surgery can give me positive feedback that would be greatly appreciated.