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Getting back on track

by Shirl on 08-07-2018 at 08:42 AM
Since getting back on track I lost 3.2lbs.

I went for my annual check-up. I am happy to report that my AC1 and sugar levels still in normal ranges. My albumin/protein and most vitamin levels excellent. The only concern is my iron levels which are even lower than last year. My doctor has recommended that I do an iron iv drip since I am not absorbing iron.

I have a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound today. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully it’s

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by Shirl on 07-30-2018 at 05:11 PM
It is hard to believe that I had gastric sleeve surgery 2years, 2months, 14days, 1hour ago to be more or less accurate.

I have not reached my ideal weight loss goal, and in fact, I gained 15 lbs in the last year. At first, I kept gaining and losing the same five pounds, but when I stopped exercising altogether a few months ago due to a toe injury I packed on an additional ten pounds fast!

It all went directly to my waistline. And it was a wake-up call!

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26-Month Post-Op Check-In and Reality Check!

by Shirl on 07-21-2018 at 06:54 PM
Hi, Y'all!

I regret that I have not made time to check in regularly with folks here! I positively received a fountain of sage advice and support, and I owe to all y'alls.

I just completed the first year of my MSW/MPA program and to be honest; it is kicking my butt and serving back to me on a silver platter. The mental demand is overwhelming at times, but I am proud of my accomplishments there!

I want to keep it real with y'all. I am eating "normal"

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17-Month Post-Op Check-In: Make time for fun!

by Shirl on 10-26-2017 at 04:00 PM
Hey Sleeved FamBam!

Sorry for the late monthly check-in! It is important for me to stay connected with those friends I have made here during my preop initiation, post recovery, and journey throughout my first year. I hope new members are benefiting from all y’alls sageness! I certainly would have had a daunting time navigating post Sleeved life without this forum!

That’s why while I cannot be here often, I am here to share that this journey is on going, and as life

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16-Month Post-Op Check-In

by Shirl on 09-18-2017 at 12:49 AM

Today of all days I was rudely reminded that I have a built-in alarm. I think I did not wash my coffee container properly and left soap in it. There was a bitter perfume taste and because I needed my fix of coffee and did not want to waste it or had time to make another at 6 am, I drank it. About five minutes later I was in agony, my stomach felt like it did a few weeks post op, like it curled and twisted in pain.

Well, that stopped me dead in my tracks and

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Before and After Photos

Picture BEFORE 245.00 lbs. - before
Picture AFTER after - 186.00 lbs.

Member: Shirl

Surgery date: 05/17/2016

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