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What procedures are you considering having? Put some common ones down

  1. Phoenixrise
    Breast Augmentation Technically known as “augmentation mammoplasty,” breast augmentation is designed to surgically enhance breast size with breast implants. It can correct a reduction in breast volume after pregnancy, help balance a difference in size, or implemented as a reconstructive technique following breast surgery. Breast enhancement can be performed using either saline or silicone-gel implants, depending on a variety of factors. Sometimes, breast augmentation can be performed in conjunction with or as an alternative to the breast lift procedure. (Silicone-gel breast implants were approved in November 2006; used in breast reconstruction surgery for women of all ages and breast enlargement for women 22 years and older. Various mandatory conditions and studies apply, which can be discussed with your plastic surgeon.)
    Breast Implants Technically referred to as “breast augmentation”, breast enlargement involves the use of saline or silicone-gel implants to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. This procedure can be performed either for cosmetic reasons or for breast reconstruction, following cancer treatment. Various factors may determine the type of breast implants that are utilized for each patient such as the patient’s goals, anatomy, and cost.
    Breast LiftA breast lift is fundamentally different from breast augmentation in that the procedure is intended to enhance, not the size, but the shape of the breasts. Breast lift surgery raises and reshapes sagging breasts, by removing excess skin and repositioning the remaining tissue and nipples to improve its appearance. A breast lift can also reduce the size of the areola – the darker skin surrounding the nipple. If a patient’s breasts are small or have lost volume (after pregnancy), getting breast implants in conjunction with a lift can increase their firmness and size
    Male Breast Reduction Reduces abnormally-enlarged, female-like breasts in men through the procedure of liposuction and/or cutting out excess glandular tissue. This condition is known as "gynecomastia."
    Body Contouring Removes loose, hanging skin from the body, after gastric bypass surgery, stomach stapling or gastric banding (gastric bypass). Excess skin commonly loses its elasticity and hangs from the arms, legs, chest and stomach. Body contouring, also known as body shaping or a body lift, is performed to improve this condition. The complete body contouring process includes liposuction, tummy tuck, arm lift, thigh lift, and other procedures as necessary on a case by case basis.
    Butt Implants Butt implants, or buttock implants, are intended for men and women who would like more curves and/or a well-balanced physique. This can improve an individual’s buttock contour by creating a fuller shape. Made out of solid or semi-solid silicone, butt implants have a soft, natural feeling similar to a well-toned muscle.
    Buttocks AugmentationThis procedure is designed to enhance the size of the buttocks. Buttock augmentation can be done by using silicone implants or fat from a person’s body, known as fat transfer (or "fat grafting"). Patients who desire buttocks augmentation generally lack fat in this area, or are unable to develop proportionate gluteal muscles
    LiposculptureWith the utilization of a specific surgical method, such as ultrasonic-assisted (UAL) liposculpture or tumescent liposculpture, localized fat deposits are removed as a means of contouring the body. Although excess fat may lie in different areas for men as compared to women, the common locations include the abdominal area, back, inner/outer thighs, calves, or buttocks. Popular facial liposculpture areas include the chin, jowls, and neck. Breast liposculpture may be a technique used for female breast reduction or male breast reduction. (Men can reduce the condition of “gynecomastia” with this treatment.)
    Liposuction Removes stubborn fat deposits from the body that are resistant to diet and exercise with a tube and vacuum device. Liposuction can be performed either using the tumescent technique or through ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty (UAL). Some of these specific techniques are also commonly refered to as "Liposculpture". Common locations for liposuction include the chin, cheeks, neck, upper arms, above breasts, abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs, knees, calves, and ankles.
    Mini Tummy Tuck A mini-tummy tuck can improve the appearance of excess fat and loose, stretched out skin in the lower abdominal area. This surgical body contouring procedure is effective for men or women whose conditions are not severe enough for full abdominoplasty.
    Tummy Tuck "Abdominoplasty,” or a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure designed to flatten the abdomen by removing excess skin (sometimes caused by liposuction) and fat, tightening the muscles of the abdominal wall. Tummy tucks can dramatically reduce the appearance of a protruding abdomen.
    Collagen InjectionsCollagen injections, which are made of a natural-occurring protein that provides support to the skin, joints, bones, and ligaments, can help improve visible signs of aging. This soft-tissue facial filler can help to restore a smoother, more youthful-looking appearance by filling in lines and creases with tiny injections.
    Facial FillersFacial fillers, which are also known as “dermal fillers” and “injectables,” are temporary to long-lasting solutions administered through a few tiny injections on specific areas of the face. Various types of facial fillers are available in the United States; each is designed with one or several purposes, such as wrinkle reduction and lip augmentation. A qualified doctor or dermatologist can work with you to determine which facial filler will provide you with optimal and rejuvenating results.
    Fat Grafting This procedure will remove a patient’s own fat to re-implant it where needed. It is typically extracted from body parts like the abdomen, thighs, or buttocks, and injected into another area that requires plumping, such as a patient’s facial features. When used as a facial filler, fat grafting can improve the creased and sunken areas of the face, and add fullness to the lips and cheeks. Fat grafting is also commonly used in buttocks augmentation, usually in place of tradtional butt implants.
    Leg Lift A leg lift, also known as a thigh lift or “thighplasty,” is designed to rid the loose, hanging skin in the thigh and buttocks, which tends to remain on a patient’s body following significant weight loss (either through gastric bypass or other body contouring procedures). A leg lift is intended to tighten and firm these areas, improving overall body contour.
    Vaginoplasty is designed to correct the problem of stretched vaginal muscles
  2. clujan09
    I want butt augmentation the most then a breast lift then a tummy tuck. I'm kinda scared of that for some reason.. I still have a long way to go before I can get all this done.
  3. meme_mayham
    i would get my arms and stomach done first, arms first though, then my belly, i would also get lipo all over at about half way point in my weighloss journey , so that it removes the fat cells and they will never return :b
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