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Tuesday Morning Surgery

  1. shane7446
    Hey everyone I have my surgery scheduled for this tuesday morning and boy oh boy am i getting nervous but excited at the same time. Does anyone have any good tips on how to relax yourself and body before this procedure for someone who has never had surgery before?? all ideas are welcome!!!
  2. Lalaangeleyes
    Good luck on Tuesday. The best advice I have read on this site (and will take with me on Friday) is to stay positive.
  3. shermysue
    My surgery was Tuesday June 4th. I kept busy preparing and then getting out of the house! I went to an outdoor festival and had a movie fest at home. I took a drive in to Denver to go out with a friend and I spent the night. I went to church. I studied a daily devotional. Friends prayed and i prayed for myself. I walked. I turned up my favorite tunes. I said goodbye to the fat lady in the review mirror as i rode to the hospital...only this time, she was singing. d he three days before surgery I lived life well. You will be just fine.
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