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I just sent my Medical history in!

  1. Kimann
    I just filled out and sent in my medical history. I am nervous! I didn't expect to be so nervous. I was excited when I applied for my passport with the decision I was going to Mexico, although my husband was not, but now taking this step I have butterflies. I am afraid of dying and complications and then failing and not being able to stick with the program after completely altering my body. I am ready for a change and afraid I can't do it at the same time. I don't know if anyone else had that feeling. But hoping to be on here soon as an "after" and referral =) Being optimistic!
  2. AngelNP
    Hi Kimann, It is normal to have those feelings. Just know that both my sister and I did research on the company that we went through. Although, my sister and I had different surgeons, I was very please with Dr.Lousiana and Dr. Carbarea-Garcia. I have information on both of them. Oh, BTW, Dr. Lousiana is also a trauma surgeon. I thought this was significant due to me being a former trauma nurse (ER) and flight nurse (helicopter and fixed wing). I wasn't really nervous until I layed on the table...my left eye teared, and the anesthesiologist was so sweet! They were so awesome, I can't speak highly enough of them. If you have any specific questions, please don't hesitate to email me at trauma_flight_rn911@hotmail.com. If you need to speak with me, I'd be happy to give you my cell number too. Oh, if you email me, I'll send you the Mexico Trip Tips, Mexico Top Surgeons 4-1-1, and Sleeve Bible(s). The sleeve bible helped keep me on tract on what to eat and when to eat. Hope this helps! I'm so happy for you. It was the best decision I've made...just wish I did this years ago. Keep me posted ok!!!!
    Take care,
  3. Kmb
    Jen, would it be ok if I email you as questions arise? I am scheduled for surgery on 8/13 and am feeling quite nervous.
  4. Kmb
    Hi Kimann, have you decided on a date?
  5. OMG_myjourneybegins
    Hi guys. I know you all had your surgery in 2013 but I don't seen to be able to find anyone who is having surgery with Dr Louisanna this year. I'm due to have my surgery on Tuesday 28th Nov. Can you give me any tips at all please?
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