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It's almost time.

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What a hectic journey it has been thus far! What I thought would be smooth (because I put in extra work to make it smooth) was very rough. Psh. At least I've made it!

One of my sisters will barely speak to me over this. The other is way more excited than I am, it seems. She can't wait to give me clothes and take me shopping towards the end of the year. It's making me even more excited. Also, my nephews are thrilled at the thought of taking me to a water park for the first time in my life this summer. That just makes my life. They're going to have their minds blown when we play sports this Thanksgiving. I always visit their house for the holidays and we always play basketball and football. I play until my body gives out, which isn't too long.

I feel like the only thing that has brought me to borderline tears here is how this will affect my nephews. We are so close even though they have moved out of state now and we don't see each other often. It means a lot to me to be able to do so much more with them than I ever could. They're both very athletic (and crazy talented) and I think they'll be impressed!

It's really just all starting to set in, given I had no idea this was officially happening until 5:08 PM today. Now I only have two days to process this. Maybe it's better this way. I have no time for cold feet or doubts.. Only time to think about me taking my boys (the nephews) to the water park in about 6 months and not embarrass them (one just turned 13 and the other will be 15.. I know how it is for them). It's going to be crazy! I could go now, of course, but I have this crazy fear I'm going to break the slides or look like a beached whale.. Or not even fit in the slides or pop the tubes.. I'm one of THOSE people. Lol..

Okay. There are my thoughts before I venture into the hospital in two days to start the rest of my life!

The next two days will be full of laundry and cleaning in preparation for my return!

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  1. thenewmetoday's Avatar
    Great that you have support people. You will do a fantastic job with the sleeve and enjoy that water park with the boys. AND SO MUCH MORE.
  2. girliegirl777's Avatar
    You will do great! Can't wait to follow your weight loss. Best wishes.
  3. kenson's Avatar
    You will do just fine! You are crazy prepared, you've done your homework, and now, its your time. You've overcome all of the obstacles thrown your way, now just let the surgeon do his work and we'll see you on the other side!
  4. AHLButterfly's Avatar
    I love you guys so much! Thank you all <3
  5. Think's Avatar
    Best wishes with your surgery!! So glad your day is so close you can taste it, please let us know how you are doing when you are able

    Prayers and positive thoughts!