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  1. Pre-op Day Five: F#%€ This S?%$&!!!!

    Seriously. I am so ready to eat everything in in sight. All of it. If Taco Bell has a dollar menu, my kids won’t be going to college anytime soon. TACO BELL, ya’ll- THAT’S how hungry I am.

    I haven’t slept well in almost a week. I toss and turn all night long. I don’t know why— I’m active during the day, I’m not napping or anything...why can’t I fall asleep and STAY asleep?

    My husband is wary, my dog is avoiding me and my kids are downright terrified. This seven day ...
  2. Pre-Day Four: Halfway? NO WAY!!

    I guess that’s a deceptive title— I’m not halfway. I’m more like 4/7ths of the way. But keeping within my habit of rounding up with finances and food, I’m gonna stick with it.

    So...Day Four.

    No problems sticking to things today, though I screwed up and forgot my mid-afternoon shake. I made up for it by doubling my evening shake and now I feel like a pregnant whale. Seriously- I’m bloated and I feel gross and the gallons of water I’ve been drinking aren’t helping the ...
  3. Pre-Op Day Three: Me and My Sugar Snap Pea

    That’s right! As I type this, I’m munching on sugar snap peas. It’s seems a better compromise than kicking the dog or killing my husband.

    I’m feral. I’m angry. I’m resentful, jealous and aggravated. I want to eat my shoe. This liquid diet can take a hike.

    Yet, I persevere. Haven’t cheated at all (raw veggies are approved), but I’ve come close. My big issue today is that I FORGOT I’m on this diet. I came downstairs this morning and started to make toast and my son said, ...
  4. Pre-Op Day Two: Wake Me Up So I Can Go-Go

    I've been in the bathroom all day. Well, not ALL day...I did manage to see my therapist for an hour. It seems that the only time I'm willing to wait to pee is when there's a hefty deductible on the line.

    Anyhoo...Today is Day Two.

    I managed my four shakes again, and didn't have to supplement with my cheaters cup of chicken broth. I ate celery. I ate mushrooms. I added a bit of water to my soy milk smoothie prior to blending. And in the end, I made it through the day. ...
  5. Day One Pre-op- Celery, Cheesecake and My Chooch

    I love celery. Well, maybe 'love' is a strong word for it, but it's usually my first choice on a veggie platter. Thing is, I had a feeling that I'm going to be eating more celery that i can handle.

    Today is my first pre-op day. Seven days of nothing but protein shakes and raw veggies ONLY IF REALLY NEEDED. I'm going to go crazy, y'all. Downright insane.

    I chose to use the Naturade Total Soy Meal Replacement shakes in chocolate. To be completely honest, I LOVE IT. ...
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