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Donna Rudewick

  1. Before WLS day 6

    Well im officially off the water weight stage. At least thats what I call it. Its those first few days where you lose a pound or 2 a day and its all water weight. Stepped on the scale this morning and there was no change. So now the real work begins.

    On the plus side my sugars have remained 144 and below, with this mornings blood sugar before taking my insulin being 144. That in its self is great for me. Now checking my sugar is like winning the lottery lol. I anticipate ...
  2. Before WLS day 4 and 5

    So yesterday was Easter, Happy Easter everyone!! I didnt post yesterday because I was busy with guests all day. It was very enjoyable and Im reflecting back on what I did. First off I sticked to my diet. No candy or nuthin. lol I didnt however once again get all my calories in. Im the type of person that when I have guests that I neglect to feed myself. I ended up being about 300 calories shy of 1200 yesterday. I was like, OMg I did it again. My sugar upon waking yesterday was 163 and by ...
  3. Before WLS day 3

    As I said yesterday was a bad day. Let me give a little background health wise of why Im doing this. Im a type 2 diabetic who takes 5 shots a day along with oral meds and high blood pressure meds. I have always been very lax on checking my blood sugar and yesterday I didnt check nor did I the day before. Couldnt tell you when I last checked it. I hate seeing it 300 and above. Ive lived with this condition for years and have always told myself I will know if something is wrong. Well guess ...
  4. Before WLS day 2

    WOW!! Lost 2.2 pounds from yesterday. I know it was water weight but still....Yayyyy me!!! I was still 200 calories shy of getting my 1200 cal in. But I did good!!! Today has been a little rougher than yesterday. Im doing a protein shake for breakfast, sandwich for lunch, and meat and veggies for dinner. But I think the protein shake is doing a number on my system. I will have to look around the forums to see if this is normal.

    Today has been rough as I said. got up had ...
  5. Before WLS

    Hi my name is Donna and Im about 3 months away from having surgery. This blog is just about what Ive had to do prior to surgery. Im haveing my surgery at an MTF which is a military treatment facility. They had a bunch of us come as a group on 11/30/15 to meet with the doctors who perfrom the surgery. Thats when I learned I would have to quit smoking for 3 months to be considered. So I quit. Cold Turkey. That was the hardest thing I believe Ive ever done. Not saying I didnt slip up a time ...
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