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  1. Low Carb Pre-op Diet day 15

    TMI but luckily the first week and a half of the diet, I was on my monthly lady issue and my cravings were not the worst. I am on birth control and have not had a cycle in months, so when it came back, IT WAS HORRIBLE. It put me off food a bit and the only pain I could focus on was my cramps.

    More to the real point of this post:

    I always knew I loved carbs, but I did not know it was a full blown addiction. I used to say, that nothing satisfies me like carbohydrates. ...
  2. Anyone else hate weight loss praise?

    So I just realized that being praised for weight loss is embarrassing and insulting. It has always made me really uncomfortable but I never explored my feelings as to why until recently gaining a lot of my weight back.

    I always said thank you, but what I hear is "oh thank God you lost that weight, you looked horrible". I know I cant be the only pessimist feeling this way?