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  1. A week post op after sleeve in mexico

    Review in brief...Sunday arrived at hotel, did tourist stuff (get to TJ early and have some fun before surgery). Monday tests then surgery. Tuesday back to hotel, Wednesday xrays and touristing, Thursday to airport and home. Friday visited with elderly mom cause she was so nervous. Slept most of the weekend. Monday put in a pretty full day at work.

    Long version - The stuff to drink before the xray (purple stuff) was OK over ice. People trying to drink it from the bottled had ...
  2. 2 days after surgery for a sleeve in TJ

    Short version=Sunday hotel Ticuan, Monday surgery, Tuesday back to the hotel, Wednesday to clinic for follow up tests and back to hotel. Yesterday (Tuesday) was the hardest, but not that bad really. Today (Wednesday) I'm bored and ready to head home but still have a drain in. That should come out tonight. Many are leaving tomorrow (those who just have sleeve) since I had band to sleeve I may need one more day. Pain was never a real issue. They responded quickly to requests for meds. Achy, ...
  3. Surgery tomorrow my trip to mexico so far

    I'm new to blogging and on-line support groups. I was so nervous about surgery I did my first post. Get lots of support, wish I tried this sooner. I also thought I'd diary my trip to Tijuana for surgery. If your not interested in this stop now....I won't mind.

    From going to Dr. Almanza's web page to surgery in about 2 weeks. Of course I have thought about this and researched for months. Once I started the process things went fast.

    I flew into San Diego a day earlier ...