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  1. prevent hairloss before it strikes

    Quote Originally Posted by Dieann63 View Post
    So, I have read that down the road may start losing hair by the handfuls. My sons girlfriend and my cousin included. I myself lost most of my hair last year from my liver abscess journey. {{Went from long down my back, is now shoulder length growing back}
    Anyway, the way 2 prevent this, is to make sure you are getting the protein in that your body needs. You wll not notice a problem til its to late, so just wated to give you a heads up so you don't have the thinning hair issues.
  2. 71 yr old had sleeve, visited my class 1yr later

    Quote Originally Posted by Dieann63;***549
    An encouraging story...while I was going thru my 6months of classes, we had a guest speaker or visitor. He was 72 years old and 1 year out since his surgery. He looked GREAT!!! When he showed us his b4 pictures it was amazing...this once old looking, hunched over man, with oxygen tank in tow...he looked close 2 death in that picture and...wow, what a transformation!!! He was thin and vibrant and sitting up straight and NO MORE OXYGEN!!!
    Seeing him from his before pictures made me feel

    Updated 11-20-2012 at 01:47 AM by Dieann63 (title change)

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