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Feeling Feelings

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I know that the toughest part of this journey is the mental game. I also know that what led me to being overweight was turning to food to cope with emotions (and for me that was ANY emotion...positive or negative.)

It's interesting how deeply engrained those habits are. My grandfather died yesterday (he was 96, so had a long and rich life.) Nonetheless, I was sad. And this is a big week for us. We are closing on a house (that we're selling), big stuff happening at work, suppose to have a mini vacation over the weekend, and all kids sports start up again this week (that alone is craziness.) Need to schedule a quick trip to Omaha for grandpa's services now.

So when I got home from work yesterday I just wanted to eat. And eat crap. I had some peanut butter, not the best choice but not bad. And then I had a very small but rich piece of ice cream cake. Not good choices. I threw up and then felt physically ill the rest of the night. Instead of going to the gym or walking the dogs, I sat like a slug with my iPad.

But I'm trying to not beat myself up too much, this is a learning process. I won't make the same mistake again. Now my opportunity is to brainstorm a list of other comfort options I have when this happens again.

I've been successful the past 2 months with coping without food, but yesterday it was just a little too much and I had nothing else to fall back on. I'd love suggestions from others.

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  1. julesdeck's Avatar
    Grief and Stress are very powerful emotions that can and have controlled our eating lives. I have been grieving since I was 10 years old, again at 15, 18, & 19. That when I lost my mother, grandfather, then both my grandmothers. We Italians celebrate with food, we grieve with food, it's all about the food. I have had to relearn myself. Walking and drinking a lot of water have helped me. Also cleaning out junk and clothes. Let me know if you find another way that is more useful than mine. I'm sorry about your grandfather. I know your heart hurts.
  2. Joy48's Avatar
    I am truly sorry for your loss , veggies make a good comfort food as well as some treats by Atkins. I am finding writing and art as my food substitutes help me out when one of my triggers set me off. I hope this helps
  3. char602's Avatar
    Sorry for your loss. One thing I read in a book years ago was to have a list, a physical a list of things you can do when you're feeling certain emotion. I know that may seem silly, but writing things down is powerful, and having a visual list that you can see is helpful. Mine looks something like;
    Stress/Anger = Walk, jog, workout video
    Sad/Tired/Anxious = Take bath, journal, call _________
    Happy/Excited = Dance, journal, listen to music

    Another thing that I find soothing is to shop. When I am shopping to soothe myself I know that I need to be careful, so I go to ATM and withdraw $40 then go to my local Goodwill. That way I can browse as long as I want to, find fun items, without having to worry about breaking the bank and can afford to do often if I need to.
  4. Deejaycee76's Avatar
    So sorry for your loss, girl. I just lost my grandmother earlier this month, so I feel your pain right now. Hang in there. We're all here for ya.
  5. Ann2's Avatar
    Oh, Terps. I'm so, so sorry.

    I don't have any great suggestions. Others have had some very good ideas. I also think that admitting that you're not superhuman, but just human, is a good start.

    Would some big hugs help at all? Here are some big hugs.
  6. Ckruts's Avatar
    So sorry for your loss.
  7. Julesg1963's Avatar
    Hang in there girl...sorry for your loss...take it easy on yourself and don't beat yourself up.
  8. MamaPope77's Avatar
    My most sincere apologies for your loss. My heart and prayers fo out to you.
  9. lundbergmn's Avatar
    So sorry for your loss! Food was my go to as well. This has been such a mental challenge for me this past 11 months! But to combat the mental I get my feelings out either on here or by writing them down, I see a therapist once a month to help me through my emotions & I TiVo all my shows so I can fast forward through all the commercials. I also log everything I eat & drink every day. I use my fitness pal & ww my points to keep me on track. Keeping busy helps me a lot! And my new hobbies are going to the gym & Pinterest & writing a couple affirmations every day. That's what works for me. Good luck to you!
  10. Joe Poppa's Avatar
    I am very sorry for the loss of your Grandfather.

    Don't fall back into stress eating (that is a real problem for me).
    Maybe try talking to someone, exercising, have a drink of a low calorie beverage, working on a hobby you enjoy or stopping to think about your actions and how hard you have worked to get to the point you are now the next time you get in one of those ravenous moods.

    Be strong, I am sure your Grandfather is looking down right now and smiling at the great person you grew up to be.
  11. Toopie2Seater's Avatar
    Big hugs to you Kristin. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather. Sending prayers your way.
  12. leafswife's Avatar
    sorry for your loss. hang in there. take it one day at a time. sending positive thoughts your way.