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  1. Update on Psychologist visit

    Yesterday I went to my Surgeons Psychologist. He was wonderful!

    He told me that he knew that there was something fishy about the email sent to my surgeon. That it did not make sense that I was continuing to have success with weight loss.

    He did tell me what the email had said and I am not understanding how a professional can lie. He told my Surgeon that I was bing eating weekly on Cookies and Chips. I don't know how he came up with that information. I am not understanding ...
  2. Psychologist E-mails Surgeon and Surgery is canceled for next week

    I made an appointment with a Psychologist on the recommendation of my daughters Psychologist. She suggested that I see my own to resolve some of my own personal issues. I said that it would be great, I could also talk about some of the issue that may come up with eating and the surgery.

    I got set up with an intern who specializes in eating behaviors. I had one appointment with him and he called me to cancel. Something came up. He then made another appointment for this Tuesday. I saw ...
  3. long hard Journey with a new path ahead

    Quote Originally Posted by dyiana View Post
    This road started 25 years ago after the birth of my first child. I had hyperthyroidism (High Thyroid). The doctor told me it was because of the stress my body went through having a baby. They gave me radioactive Iodine and I gained 30 pounds in one month after taking the raodioactive iodine and now have hypothyroidism (Low Thyroid). Since then I have been at war with my weight and have been overweight for almost All of my Adult Life. In May of last year (2012), I went to the Doctor and was told
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  4. long hard Journey with a new path ahead

    Quote Originally Posted by dyiana View Post
    This road started 25 years ago after the birth of my first child. I had hyperthyroidism (High Thyroid). The doctor told me it was because of the stress my body went through having a baby. They gave me radioactive Iodine and I gained 30 pounds in one month after taking the raodioactive iodine and now have hypothyroidism (Low Thyroid). Since then I have been at war with my weight and have been overweight for almost All of my Adult Life. In May of last year (2012), I went to the Doctor and was told
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